The IAU Office of Astronomy for Development (IAU OAD) and their partners are looking for people or organisations interested in being regional volunteers for the first WorldWide Telescope (WWT) Guided Tour Contest. Volunteers collect tour submissions and select a certain number of excellent tours to submit to the international organising committee. The international contest is based on previous WWT contests in China and the US.
Apply here:
The First DAEPO WG Virtual Plenary Meeting
The first DAEPO WG Virtual Plenary Meeting was held on Sep. 22, 2020. This is also the first plenary meeting of the DAEPO WG since this working group founded in 2017. As the Covid-19 pandemic affects the whole world, a face to face meeting is not possible in the short term. This plenary meeting was held virtually online like all other meetings currently.
The meeting starts with a self-introduction session. Every member gave a 3-minute talk about them self and their work related to the DAEPO. In this session, WG members mentioned the difficulties caused by the pandemic, and how does the situation change the way everyone works.
In the following discussion session, participants actively discussed a number of related topics. Amanda Bauer from Vera C. Rubin Observatory mentioned in order to promote the use of astronomical data in school, we need to lower the requirements for computers and internet connection. Shanshan Li from NAOC described the similar situations in China. Vanessa McBride introduced related work on behalf of the IAU OAD and proposed that all members of DAEPO could work together with a common goal or a project. As the Chair of the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA), Chenzhou Cui agreed with this idea and mentioned the cooperation with IVOA. Kevin Govender from IAU OAD joined the meeting and participated in the discussion about the IAU General Assembly next year. ESAsky, Data2Dome, astronomical data for undergraduate education and training programs were discussed as well.

IAUS 367 “Education and Heritage in the Era of Big Data in Astronomy. The first steps on the IAU 2020–2030 Strategic Plan”
On behalf of the IAU and the SOC and LOC of the meeting, we are glad to announce the IAU Symposium number 367 (IAUS 367) on “Education and Heritage in the Era of Big Data in Astronomy. The first steps on the IAU 2020–2030 Strategic Plan” to be held in San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, 9-14 of December 2020, with the support of Divisions A, B, C, E and F.
The primary aim of this Symposium is to provide a global vision of Education and Heritage in the frame of the goals of IAU Strategic Plan, as well as to outline a road map and a global astronomy education agenda for the next decade, while honouring the education from the past.
In this sense, a central objective of the meeting is to increase the quality and impact of astronomy education by encouraging the use of new learning practices, not only at university level, but also at school level, taking into account the inclusion of minorities and equity.
In addition, the occurrence of the total solar eclipse that will cross the north of Patagonia on December 14th, 2020 is an incentive for all the attendants to the Symposium, and the observation of the event at the end of the meeting, will be a great closing ceremony.
More information in the IAUS367-Circular1-LOC-SOC.pdf (attached) and at the web site of the Symposium:
Hoping to meet you in Bariloche in 2020, we send to you the best regards,
First astroEDU Conference 2019
The Astronomy Education Conference: Bridging Research & Practice, to be held in ESO, Garching, Munich, Germany, September 16-18, 2019. This meeting is intended to be the first of a regular, bi-yearly, IAU Commission C1 Astronomy Education Conference with the aim of increasing the quality, quantity, community, and impact of astronomy education research and practice. Key topics addressed will be (1) Astronomy Education Research, (2) Astronomy Education Standards, Curriculum and Instruction, and (3) Bridging research and practice in Astronomy Education.
To get updates as details become available, please visit:
IAU GA 2018 Focus Meeting 14 (FM14)
IAU’s role on global astronomy outreach, the latest challenges and bridging different communities
Date: August 23, 2018
Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC):
- Sze-leung Cheung (co-chair) – Tokyo, Japan
- William Waller (co-chair) – Rockport, USA
- Lina Canas – Tokyo, Japan
- Chenzhou Cui – Beijing, China Nanjing
- Samir Dhurde – Pune, India
- Richard Tresch Fienberg – Watertown, USA
- Andrew Fraknoi – Los Altos Hills, USA
- Beatriz Garcia – Godoy Cruz, Argentina
- Kevin Govender – Cape Town, South Africa
- Thilina Heenatigala – Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Oana Sandu – Bucharest, Romania
- Mike Simmons – Calabasas, USA
- Mark SubbaRao – Chicago, USA
- Sylvie Vauclair – Toulouse, France
Scientific Rational:
The 2018 IAU General Assembly in Vienna provides an important opportunity for research astronomers and outreach professionals to jointly consider the IAU’s role in global astronomy outreach. Our goal is to enable and coordinate outreach for the greatest good worldwide. We will share what is already being done and discuss what we could do better going forward. All participants in the GA are welcome to join in the discussions.
More information is available at: